Lips in spanish language
Lips in spanish language

lips in spanish language

If trying to pronounce the following five sounds is resulting in confused faces and mumbles of ¿qué? every time you talk, or if you just want to blend in better with the locals in your expat home, here are five of the top suspects behind your foreign accent crimes, and how you can bring them to justice. That’s because the finest details of Spanish pronunciation are the ones that scream your native tongue loudest. Qué pena. It’s disheartening, but it happens to every learner. Sometimes you’re absolutely positive that you’ve pronounced something the right way, even perfectly, only to have that certainty dashed by the laughter and teasing of the native speakers. V‘s that sound more like B‘s and diphthongs that sound like not much of anything are just a few of the reasons you probably sound muy gringo when you speak Spanish. For speakers of other languages, the sounds of Spanish - especially the consonants - can be counterintuitive. Not just because every word has about 34 different meanings, but also because of its many nuanced sounds.

Lips in spanish language